Síť EMT (European Masters in Translation) sdružuje magisterské univerzitní studijní programy zaměřené na překlad. Je zaštiťována Generálním ředitelstvím pro překlady Evropské komise. Ústav translatologie je jediným pracovištěm v ČR, které bylo do této sítě přijato.
The Institute of Translation Studies runs MA degree courses in Translation covering five foreign languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, RU). The programme was accredited by the Ministry of Education in 2011 and opened for enrolments the same year.
The MA programme is a combined degree course: students choose a combination of two foreign languages, or one foreign language plus another field of study at the Faculty of Arts. Admissions are based on a two-round entrance examination (written and oral), testing relevant BA-level competences.
The two-year curriculum caters for the development of academic and professional competences and flexibility. Students specialise in technical translation, translation for international institutions or in literary translation.
Translation classes (core and optional) cover the major part of the curriculum. The specific domains covered are: Technical translation, Translation for international institutions, Translating journalistic texts, Literary translation, Publishing and editorial policies and practices, CAT tools, Machine Translation, and localisation, etc. The learning objectives of individual courses/modules taught are included in the courses’ syllabuses. The latter are all accessible via the University’s information system. The same is true for the marking and/or assessment criteria as well as student supervision during the courses.
The final examination (state examination) includes three major parts: (i) written translations both from and into the foreign language, (ii) translation quality assessment, active language competence check, and culture-specific topics as part of an oral exam, and (iii) the MA thesis defence. As part of this state examination, future graduates prove that their language and cultural competencies are in-line with the graduate profile.
Target professional competences feature the following: The graduate is able to provide translation and other related language services in compliance with international standards; his/her foreign language competence is C2 (cf. the European Framework of Reference for Languages); s/he has a good command of genre conventions in all working languages; s/he can use translation software; s/he is able to defend his/her translation solutions. The graduate is flexible enough to adapt to specific job requirements.
All classes are taught by teachers with relevant expertise in the field. The vast majority of the Institute’s staff are scholars who also actively work as professional translators (and interpreters). Our translation professors include winners of the country’s most prestigious prizes in literary translation (Magnesia Litera Award, Josef Jungmann Prize, etc.), as well as renowned technical translators of documents crucial to the Czech Republic and the European Union. Detailed trainer profiles, including professional experience and publication lists, are available here: https://utrl.ff.cuni.cz/UTRLFF-40.html.
Tools and technologies
While the academic aspect (Translation Studies) is well covered in the curriculum, special attention is given to practice-oriented training. Apart from training in professional practices, we consider our coverage of tools and technologies in the curriculum as one of our major strong points. Not only are these aspects catered for in translation seminars and other related courses, they are addressed in a dedicated course (“CAT Tools, Machine Translation and Localization”). The computer-to-student ratio during translation technology classes (as well as during translation seminars) is 1:1.
Professional practices, market training, work placements/internships
Apart from tools and technologies training, we consider our coverage of professional practice in the curriculum as one of our major strong points. Not only are these aspects catered for in translation seminars and other related courses, they are addressed in a dedicated course (“Business Skills and Career Guidance in the Translation Profession”). The programme also includes a compulsory work placement for the student to test and refine his/her skills acquired at the university. In fact, according to a 2018 poll, the Institute’s graduates from the EMT-relevant translation study programmes achieved an excellent 97% employment rate after graduation (survey period of 4 years, response rate: 49%).
Collaboration with the profession
The Institute of Translation Studies regularly collaborates with the Field Office of the Directorate General for Translation, European Commission, as well as with the country’s leading professional associations (Association of Czech Translation Agencies – EUATC member, Union of Interpreters and Translators – FIT member, Chamber of Court Appointed Interpreters and Translators – EULITA member) on specialized activities.
Please note that in order to obtain the full picture of the structure and profile of the whole programme as well as detailed information on the Institute itself, interested readers are advised to consult the Czech version of the Website.
Překladatelství: čeština – angličtina
Překladatelství: čeština – francouzština
Překladatelství: čeština – němčina
Překladatelství: čeština – ruština
Překladatelství: čeština – španělština
Translation: Czech and English
Translation: Czech and French
Translation: Czech and German
Translation: Czech and Russian
Translation: Czech and Spanish