Projekt Resonant byl podpořen jako tzv. minigrant v rámci výzvy 4EU+ (aliance spolufinancovaná z prostředků Evropské unie).
Projekt byl v Ústavu translatologie řešen v roce 2021.
The RESONANT (Research Collaboration in the Area of Institutional Translator Training) consortium
(1) Joint research in Institutional Translation, studying CPD (continued professional development) practice in translator training in and for EU institutions and national institutions in Europe
(2) Preparing a manuscript for publication with (co-)authors from the consortium
(3) Preparing a project application – collaboration under the new Erasmus+ programme
(4) (Minor component) Preparing a course outline for the teaching of Institutional Translation in partner universities. The initial research (cf. deliverable no. 1) has fed in to the course outline (research-based education)
Two project meetings were held, the first one online, the second one in person. The first meeting’s agenda was to discuss the project’s aims, deliverables, and further grant opportunities. The second meeting’s agenda focused on deliverables (1), (2), and (4), mainly reporting on research progress, financing, and outlining final stages.
All four deliverables were achieved: statistical methods (complex surveys), guided interviews, and cognitive methods were used to collect data. UP-TRANS Alliance of 11 HE and VET institutes, SMEs, large enterprises, trade unions, and sectoral/professional associations from 7 European countries (i.e. Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, and Poland) was established and an application as part of the EU Alliances for Innovation call was submitted.