Mgr. Šárka Brotánková, D.Phil.


Ústav translatologie
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Hybernská 1036/3
110 00  Praha 1
místnost č. 204


Telefon: +420 221 619 538

Konzultační hodiny: najdete zde


Kvalifikace / Education

2001:  D.Phil. (PhD) in English (anglická literatura) – Oxford University, Oxford, UK, DPhil thesis (disertace): „John Milton’s Paradise Lost: Language, Ambiguity and the Ineffable”; supervisor: Prof. John Carey, FBA, FRSL

1992:  Mgr. FF UK, obor: anglistika a bohemistika / MA in English and Czech, Charles University, Prague Diplomová práce/ MA thesis: ‘T. S. Eliot: The Music of Fours Quartets’; Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky / The Department of English and American Studies


Zaměstnání / Employment

2001-dosud: odborná asistentka – Ústav translatologie FF UK / Since 2001: Senior Lecturer – Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Translation Studies

2014-2016: garant anglického oddělení ÚTRL / Head of the English section, Institute of Translation Studie, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

2001-2008: odborná asistentka (částečný úvazek) – Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky / Senior lecturer (part-time) – Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of English and American Studies

1997-2001: Dulverton Scholar at Oxford University, Oxford, UK

1993, 1995-1997: doktorand a vyučující na Ústavu anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UK doctoral student and part-time lecturer Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of English and American Studies

1994-1995: Soros Scholar at Oxford University, Oxford, UK

 1992-1993: překladatelka na volné noze (příležitostné konsekutivní tlumočení) / freelance translator and interpreter


Odborné zájmy / Research interests

Hlavní specializace: poezie Johna Miltona. Další zájmy: anglická renesance (především John Donne a William Shakespeare), britská poezie, současná britská literatura a literatura psaná v angličtině, česká literatura, literární překlad a tvůrčí psaní (poezie).

I specialize in John Milton’s poetry, but my interests are wider: sixteenth and seventeenth-century English literature (especially John Donne and William Shakespeare), British poetry, contemporary British fiction and literature written in English, Czech literature, literary translation and creative writing (one published English poem in the Oxford Magazine).


Výuka / Teaching

  • Analýza literárního textu I / Analysis of literary texts I (BA course in British literature)
  • Anglicky psaná literatura v dějinách překladu I / British literature in Czech translation I (MA course)
  • Kontrastivní lexikologie a stylistika / Contrastive lexicology and stylistics (English)
  • Kulturní dějiny I / Cultural history I (BA course in British history)
  • Translatologická analýza / Translation analysis
  • Současná anglicky psaná literatura / Contemporary literature written in English
  • Reading Milton: Subtleties and Anxieties in Paradise Lost (combined optional class for Translation Studies and English Department students)
  • Dřívější povinně volitelné kursy / Classes previously taught at the Institute of Translation Studies: Fiction and Style: Selected 20th-century British writers, Modern English poetry, American poetry (a series of lectures and seminars), Essay writing, Translations of Karel Čapek
  • Lectures and compulsory or optional classes for the English Department on The English Renaissance, John Milton (Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, shorter poems), John Donne, seventeenth-century dilemmas and writers, twentieth-century English literature
  • Přednášky pro Univerzitu třetího věku / University of the Third Age lectures: John Milton; Jungmannův překlad Ztraceného ráje / Jungmann’s translation of Paradise Lost; anglická renesance / The English Renaissance
  • East and Central European Studies (ECES) course (Faculty of Arts, Charles University): Great European Writers: The Life and Work of Karel Čapek
  • Veřejné přednášky / public lectures: John Milton; Karel Čapek


Stipendia a granty / Scholarships and awards:

  • 2017: chapter 18 in the award-winning collective monograph Milton in Translation – winner of the Milton Society of America’s Irene Samuel Memorial Award (kapitola 18 v zahraniční kolektivní monografii oceněné Irene Samuel Memorial Award)
  • 1997-2000: Dulverton Scholarship – Oxford University’s international scholarship for Eastern and Central European doctoral students (tříleté mezinárodní stipendium pro východní a střední Evropu udělené Oxfordskou univerzitou pro doktorské studium na Oxfordu)
  • 1997-2000: Overseas Research Students Award (ORSAS) from the British Government (grant pro vynikající zahraniční doktorandy udělený britskou vládou)
  • 1994-5: Soros Scholarship tenable at University College, Oxford, from the Open Society Foundation (stipendium nadace Open Society Foundation na roční badatelský pobyt na Oxfordské Univerzitě)
  • 1994: small research grant from the Mathesius Foundation – two-month research stay at the University of Sheffield (dvouměsíční stáž na Sheffieldské univerzitě ve Velké Británii)
  • 1993-4, 1995-7: postgraduate scholarship from the Czech Ministry of Education – Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of English and American Studies, Prague (interní doktorandské stipendium – Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky, FF UK)

Mezinárodní konference a přednášky / International conferences and lectures

  • 23 July 2015: paper presented at the 11th International Milton Symposium, University of  Exeter, Exeter, UK
  • April 2011: Oxford Literary Festival, Oxford, UK (The Essential Čapek book presentation)
  • 24 March 2009: paper presented at the Young Milton Conference, Worcester College, Oxford, UK
  • 10 July 2008: paper presented at the 9th International Milton Symposium, University of London, London, UK
  • 7 June 2005: paper presented at the 8th International Milton Symposium, Grenoble, France
  • 20 March 2004: paper presented at The British Milton Seminar, Birmingham, UK
  • 26 April 2002: lecture at Oxford University, Oxford, UK
  • July 1999: chairing a panel at The Sixth International Milton Symposium, University of York, York, UK
    • September 1999: paper presented at the Graduate Conference Day, Oxford University, UK

Členství v organizacích a radách / Affiliations and service

  • Členka oborové rady translatologie a oborové rady doktorského programu translatologie / Translation Studies and PhD Translation Studies Board (2001-2018)
  • Členka Milton Society of America / Member of the Milton Society of America
  • Členka Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society (OCAS) / Member of Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society (OCAS)

Publikace / Publications

Kniha / Book

  • Believe in People: The Essential Karel Čapek. (Previously Untranslated Journalism and Letters.) Selected and translated with an introduction by Šárka Tobrmanová-Kühnová. Preface by John Carey. Faber and Faber: London, 2010. (ISBN 978-0-571-23162-1)

Charakteristika a odkazy:

Komentovaný překlad s úvodní studií, který vyšel v prestižním britském nezávislém nakladatelství Faber and Faber, předmluvu k němu napsal přední britský kritik a emeritní profesor Oxfordské univerzity John Carey.

Kniha překladů se dočkala vynikajících recenzí od význačných spisovatelů, kritiků a publicistů, ty nejvýznamnější vyšly v britských denících a časopisech The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent a New Statesman, včetně prestižního literárního periodika TLS (The Times Literary Supplement) a časopisu Literary Review. Podle slov nakladatelství se o knize pochvalně vyjádřil i slavný britský dramatik Tom Stoppard. V prvních třech letech se prodalo 1800 výtisků, pozitivní čtenářské ohlasy z celého světa kniha sklízí dodnes.

Odkazy na recenze / Reviews of Believe in People:


Chapters in monographs and peer-reviewed articles:

  • ‘Jungmann’s Translation of Paradise Lost in the Vanguard of Modern Czech Culture’ (chapter 18), in Angelica Duran, Islam Issa, and Jonathan Olson (eds.), Milton in Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 309-327. Winner of the Milton Society of America’s Irene Samuel Memorial Award(2017).
  • A translation of two Jan Zábrana’s sonnets, with an essay on the problem of translating sonnets, in the collaborative monograph Jan Zábrana: básník, překladatel, čtenář, ed. Eva Kalivodová and Petr Eliáš. Praha: Karolinum, 2018. „Dílna angličtinářů“, 259-263.
  • ‘Translations of Milton: From English into Slavonic languages’ (under the former name Kühnová), in Thomas N. Corns (ed). The Milton Encyclopedia. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012, 369-370. (ISBN 9780300094442)
  • ‘“Inspired with Contradiction”: Milton’s Language of Liberty’ (under the former name Kühnová), in Christophe Tournu & Neil Forsyth (eds.), Milton, Rights and Liberties. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007, 345-354.
  • A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman’, The English Review 14/3 (February 2004), 8-10.
  • ‘John Milton’, in Slovník spisovatelů [v angličtině] (A Companion to Writers [in English]) (under the former name Kühnová). Prague: Libri, 2003, 521-526.
  • ‘“Guided by” a “Voice”: Eve’s First Encounter with Voices in Paradise Lost’ (under the former name Kühnová), Literaria Pragensia 18 (1999/9), 84-109.
  • ‘První úplný překlad Miltonovy básnické tragédie’ (‘The first complete translation of Milton’s poetic tragedy’, under the former name Kühnová), Svět literatury (The World of Literature) 7/4 (1997), 77-83.

Reviews: (33 reviews of international academic monographs for the Oxford Journal Notes and Queries, one review for the European Journal of English Studies)

  • WILLIAM POOLE (ed.), THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. VOLUME XI: MANUSCRIPT WRITINGS. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Notes and Queries, Volume 68, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 145–147.
  • PAUL HAMMOND, Milton’s Complex Words: Essays on the Conceptual Structure of Paradise Lost. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Notes and Queries, Volume 67, Issue 2, June 2020, 284–286.
  • JOHN LEONARD, The Value of Milton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Notes and Queries, Volume 65, Issue 2, June 2018, 270–271.
  • DAVID QUINT, Inside Paradise Lost: Reading the Designs of Milton’s Epic. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. Notes Queries 64/4 (2017), 684-685. org/10.1093/notesj/gjx155
  • DENNIS DANIELSON, Paradise Lost and the Cosmological Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Notes Queries 64/4 (2017), 685-687. org/10.1093/notesj/gjx148
  • H. Keeble and Nicholas McDowell (eds), The Complete Works of John Milton. Volume VI: Vernacular Regicide and Republican Writings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Notes and Queries 62/3 (2015), 474-476.
  • JOHN K. HALE and J. DONALD CULLINGTON (eds.), The Complete Works of John Milton. Volume VIII: De Doctrina Christiana. Part 1 and 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Notes Queries 62/3 (2015), 476-477. org/10.1093/notesj/gjv108
  • MICHAEL BRYSON, The Atheist Milton. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. Notes and Queries 61/2 (2014), 295-297. doi:1093/notesj/gju050.
  • GÁBOR ITTÉZ and MIKLÓS PÉTI (eds), Milton Through the Centuries. Budapest: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and L’Harmattan Publishing, 2012. Notes and Queries 61/2 (2014), 297-298. doi:1093/notesj/gju042.
  • STEPHEN M. FALLON, Milton’s Peculiar Grace: Self-Representation and Authority. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 2007, xx + 274 pp. European Journal of English Studies 17/1 (2013), 117-119. doi:1080/13825577.2013.771873.
  • Laura Lunger Knoppers, Politicizing Domesticity: From Henrietta Maria to Milton’s Eve. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Notes and Queries 60/2 (2013), 326-327. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjt014.
  • Russell Hillier, Milton’s Messiah: The Son of God in the Works of John Milton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Notes and Queries 60/1(2013), 139-141. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjs294.
  • Noam Reisner, John Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Reading Guide. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011. PAUL HAMMOND and BLAIR WORDEN. John Milton: Life, Writing, Reputation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Notes and Queries 59/4 (2012), 600-602. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjs200.
  • LOUIS SCHWARTZ, Milton and Maternal Mortality. xi + 269. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Notes and Queries 59/1 (2012), 138-139. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjr209.
  • NICHOLAS MCDOWELL, NIGEL SMITH (EDS.), The Oxford Handbook of Milton. Pp. xxii+715. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Notes and Queries 58/2 (2011), 315-317. doi:1093/notesj/gjr021.
  • NEIL FORSYTH, John Milton: A Biography. Pp. 254. Oxford: Lion Hudson, 2008. Notes and Queries 57/4 (2010), 594-595.
  • PHILIP J. DONNELLY, Milton’s Scriptural Reasoning: Narrative and Protestant Toleration. Pp. 267+x. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Notes and Queries 57/4 (2010), 595-597. doi:1093/notesj/gjq150.
  • NANCY ROSENFELD, The Human Satan in Seventeenth-Century English Literature: From Milton to Rochester. Pp. vii+215. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. Notes and Queries 57/2 (2010), 267- First published online March 24, 2010 doi:10.1093/notesj/gjq040.
  • GORDON CAMPBELL, Thomas N. CORNS, John K. HALE and Fiona J. TWEEDIE. Milton and the Manuscript of De Doctrina Christiana. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Notes and Queries 56/3 (September 2009), 458-59.
  • Peter C. HERMAN (ed.). Approaches to Teaching: Milton’s Shorter Poetry and Prose. (Approaches to Teaching World Literature). Pp. xii+284. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2007. Notes and Queries 56/3 (September 2009), 459-60.
  • SHARON ACHINSTEIN and ELIZABETH SAUER (eds), Milton and Toleration. Pp. xii + 320. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. BARBARA K. LEWALSKI (ed.), John Milton: Paradise Lost. Pp. xxxvi + 351. Oxford: Blackwell publishing, 2007. Notes and Queries 56/1 (March 2009), 151-153.
  • LUISA CALÈ, Fuseli’s Milton Gallery: ‘Turning Readers into Spectators’. Pp. xiv+259. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Notes and Queries 55/3 (September 2008), 375-376.
  • GORDON TESKEY, Delirious Milton: The Fate of the Poet in Modernity. Pp. ix + 214. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2006. Notes and Queries 55/1 (March 2008), 100-102.
  • MARY C. FENTON. Milton’s Places of Hope: Spiritual and Political Connections of Hope with Land. Pp. viii + 225. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate, 2006. Notes and Queries 55/1 (March 2008), 99-100.
  • ANGELICA DURAN (ed.), A Concise Companion to Milton. Pp. xiv + 274. Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Notes and Queries 55/1 (March 2008), 97-99.
  • PETER C. HERMAN, Destabilizing Milton: “Paradise Lost” and the Poetics of Incertitude. Pp. ix+230. Basingstoke, London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Notes and Queries 53/2 (June 2006), 238-240.
  • WILLIAM POOLE, Milton and the Idea of the Fall. Pp. xii+240. Cambridge, New York, Oakleigh: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Notes and Queries 53/2 (June 2006), 237-238.
  • JOHN T. SHAWCROSS, The Uncertain World of Samson Agonistes. Pp. ix+158 (Studies in Renaissance Literature, vol. 6). Woodbridge: The Byodell Press, 2001. Notes and Queries 53/1 (March 2006), 117-118.
  • DEREK N. C. WOOD, ‘Exiled from Light’: Divine Law, Morality, and Violence in Milton’s Samson Agonistes. Pp. xxii+247. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2001. Notes and Queries 53/1 (March 2006), 116-117.
  • KEN HILTNER , Milton and Ecology. Pp. ix + 165. Cambridge, New York, Oakleigh: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Notes and Queries 52/3 (September 2005), 414-415.
  • STANLEY FISH, How Milton Works. Pp. x + 616. Cambridge, MA and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2001. Notes and Queries 52/3 (September 2005), 415-416.
  • THOMAS N. CORNS, ed., A Companion to Milton. Pp. xvi + 528 (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture). Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2003 (1st 2001). Notes and Queries 51/4 (December 2004), 442-444.
  • RICHARD BRADFORD, The Complete Critical Guide to John Milton. Pp. xv + 215 (The Complete Critical Guide to English Literature). London and New York: Routledge, 2001. Notes and Queries 51/1 (March 2004), 89-90.
  • JAMEELA LARES, Milton and the Preaching Arts. Pp. xv + 352. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2001. Notes and Queries 51/1 (March 2004), 88-89.


Redakce / editing:

  • Shakespeare, William. Sonety / Shakespeare’s Sonnets.Přeložil Jiří Josek. Praha: Romeo 2008.
  • Vančura, Vladislav. Summer of Caprice. Translated by Mark Corner. Praha: Carolinum Press, 2006.
  • Carey, John. What Good Are the Arts? London: Faber & Faber, 2005.

Absolvovaná školení / Training

  • nástroje CAT, online nástroje pro výuku: Moodle, MS Teams / CAT tools, course management system Moodle, MS Teams for education
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