Mimořádná příležitost pro vyučující a studující, kteří si chtějí rozšířit praktickou znalost tlumočnické notace pod vedením profesionálních tlumočníků, podrobnosti a odkaz viz níže:
We are happy to contact you about our Masterclass on note-taking, which will take place, as foreseen, on Friday, 15th of November 2024, from 9:30 to 12:30 CET.
During this masterclass, you and your students will have the opportunity to observe experienced EP interpreters taking consecutive notes live on screen and interpreting from them. Right after, we will invite all the students to engage in a discussion about the „golden rules“ of consecutive interpretation.
A detailed programme will be provided closer to the date.
This is the WebEx link for the event:
Please note that the Masterclass will not be recorded due to personal data protection reasons.
European Parliament